November 30, 2017
Today the Prices of Gasoline and Diesel are Liberalized in Our Country
Today, November 30, 2017, the free price of fuels begins in the Mexican Republic, so that from this date the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit (SHCP) will no longer publish the maximum prices of the fuels, as it was done daily since last February 18 of the current year.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, SHCP will seek to minimize the effect of sudden changes in prices, through the scheme of weekly incentives to the Special Tax on Production and Services (IEPS), during the remainder of the year and towards 2018.
It should be noted that yesterday was published in the Official Gazette of the Federation (DOF) an adaptation to the calculation methodology that will have these stimulations of the IEPS, by the SHCP, in order to make it consistent with the new environment of the costs of gasoline and diesel already released.
IEPS incentives will be directed to taxpayers who import and dispose of gasoline, non-fossil fuels and diesel.
The SHCP jointly decided to extend to 2018 the validity of the general stimulus and stimulus on the northern border. With the first stimulus, prices have been partially homologated in that area with those of the neighboring cities of the United States, in the opinion of the aforementioned authority maintaining this fiscal stimulus scheme for fuels during 2018 will allow the orderly transition to the new scheme of flexible fuel prices, avoiding abrupt changes in consumer prices.
Finally, it is important to note that with the present scheme in which Pemex no longer has a monopoly on the import and export of gasoline, service stations will not have to be franchisees of the State's productive enterprise.
We remain at your service in our address:
Rio Duero 31 Col. Cuauhtemoc, A.i.c. Cuauhtémoc,
C.P. 06500, Mexico City.
Main line: +52 55 5242.0771
Contact: Marcela Trujillo,
Managing Partner.
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